
Outside. Natural light. Minimal lenses and kit. I trained as a documentary photographer and this shows in the photographic work I do. When that style is right for a client, I will often end up taking photographs as part of my design service.


Leon Jackson, X-Factor Winner


A few years after winning X-Factor in 2007, Leon Jackson went on to pursue a solo career. These shots were taken at the start of the process to remake himself as an artist in his own right and signalled a change in direction for him.


British Army Expedition, Himalayas


Documentary photography of a British Army training expedition in the Markha Valley in Ladakh, India.


St Georges Day Shoot, Somerset


Every year the Society for the Preservation of Traditional Archery (SPTA) would hold an archery world championships of Somerset. In Somerset of course. People from all over the world would attend, all united in their love and appreciation of the beauty of the bow and the arc of an arrow in flight.

These photographs were taken to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the event.


Ray of Hope, Brazil


Photography from a trip documenting the work of a charity based on the Amazon river.


Pencil Work


Devon Surface Care